Last Book in the Dragonheart Series

Published on Thursday 9th May 2019 by Griff Hosker

I am just putting the finishing touches to Viking Bravery, the last book in the Dragonheart series. The book will be published in June. it was a hard book to write as I had many loose ends to tie. For those who like the characters, Ylva and Samr both appear in the new World Series and also in some of the Norman Genesis series. There are 23 books in the saga and I calculated that means I wrote over 2,116,000 words! Dragonheart and the other characters have lived with me since I wrote the first one, Viking Slave, goodness knows how many years ago. I will miss them and I do not rule out another Viking book about the land of the Wolf but for now, I shall enjoy his last adventure and the glory that was Dragonheart!